Sunday, February 22, 2009

Journal 8: Believing in Yourself

Dear Saint Knights,

For this week's journal, I like to talk about the topic on self-belief. This is a follow-up after watching the Star Wars movie clip and the movie about Roger Bannister, the man who ran a mile (about 1.6km)in less than 4 minutes. Basically, I like to hear your thoughts? You may want to answer the following guiding questions:-
1) How did you feel after watching the clips?
2) What have you learnt from the clips?
3) Do you agree that it is important to believe in oneself? Why or why not?
4) Do you believe that you have the power to create a miracle? Tell me what you will do to achieve your goals
May the Force (of Believing in Yourself) be With You!


1 comment:

Lam Kai Yoon said...

Mr Lau, how are you now?When are you coming back?Now our class is alright and does our homework. Please come back as early as possible